The art and science of pure flower and plant essences

Grand Spa Massage Center

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Satisfying our clients

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Come experience the secrets of relaxation

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Discover About Us

Grand Spa’s Services

Come experience the secrets of relaxation.


Beauty & Spa


The Infinity of Beauty & Indulgence

Signature Services & Individualized Attention. Relaxation at its best

Massage Pricing

Thaise Erotische Massage
30 minutes
Thaise Erotische Massage | Normaal
45 minutes
Thaise Erotische Massage | Extended
60 minutes
Thaise Erotische Massage | Additional Extension
90 minutes

Beauty Pricing

Thaise 4 hands Erotische Massage
60 minutes
Thaise 4 hands Erotische Massage | Normaal
60 minutes
Skin Scrub
60 minutes
Facial Massage
30 minutes

Relaxation. No longer beyond your budget

Come experience the secrets of relaxation.